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    Playing with WebComponents

    Thought I would have a go at migrating this jekyll based blog to use webcomponents. This is the result, I hope it doesn’t offend.

    The long and the short of the story is that I got to understand jeykll much better, and hopefully haven’t broken anything. This version of the site is using the Material Web Components (MWC) that form a part of the Polymer Project. These components are under active development by the polymer team and as such are not guaranteed to be functional. If you find something broken, can you add a comment at the bottom of the page and I will try and investigate.

    If it all goes horribly wrong, I also have a version of the blog that uses the mature/stable Polymer Library, or the default one that used the more standard Jekyll template.

    Basic steps to make this work

    • Use npm to install the packages you need
      • remember to use –save-dev, these are no longer runtime dependencies
    • Create a ‘sources.js’ that pulled in references to the libraries we need.
    • Use rollup to bundle all the needed javascript files into one
      • You need to use the rollup-plugin-node-resolve plugin to pull in files from node_modules
    • Minify the bundles sources
      • I used terser for this as MWC makes use of es6+ capabilities

    The whole project is available to see here.

    I’m done with this for a while, but I would like come back it at some point to see if its possible to implement the Single Page Application design pattern on github pages.


    Living on the edge is fun, but can go horribly wront at times. Lets see how this litte experiment goes!

    Written on February 12, 2020