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    Docker for Ubiquiti

    Over two years since my last post… Wow I’m bad at this!

    A lot has changed for me over that time, but thats not for here… I need to document changes in my home network, just in case things go horribly wrong and I need to remember what it was I did.

    I wanted to use Fedora as the host for the services, but the official binaries from Ubiqiti are only available for Debian and Ubuntu. I played for a while with using virt-manager and boxes to get things up and running, but it kinda felt wrong.. I’ve been playing with containers for a while now, surely someone has packaged the functions I want already?

    The answer to that was of course yes! Thanks so much to ghe guys who have done the leg-work here. Lets hope that Ubiquiti support this officially soon, its a so much easier way to deploy the applications!

    I’ll add more when I can, but for now I’m viewing this as my personal diary..

    Taken from

    docker run --rm --name unifi --init \
            -p 8080:8080 \
            -p 8443:8443 \
            -p 3478:3478/udp \
            -p 10001:10001/udp \
            -e TZ=Europe/London \
            -v /var/lib/unifi:/unifi \

    Taken from

    docker run \
            --name unifi-video \
            --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
            --cap-add DAC_READ_SEARCH \
            -p 10001:10001 \
            -p 1935:1935 \
            -p 6666:6666 \
            -p 7080:7080 \
            -p 7442:7442 \
            -p 7443:7443 \
            -p 7444:7444 \
            -p 7445:7445 \
            -p 7446:7446 \
            -p 7447:7447 \
            -v :/var/lib/unifi/video \
            -v :/var/lib/unifi/video/videos \
            -e TZ=Europe/London \
            -e PUID=99 \
            -e PGID=100 \
            -e DEBUG=1 \

    The next question was how to get the services up and running on system boot using systemd. Details were taken from, but my configuration for the controller ended up looking like this

    Description=unifi Controller (docker)
    #These start with a - because they are allowed to fail
    ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill unifi
    ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm unifi
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --name unifi -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 3478:3478/udp -p 10001:10001/udp -e TZ=\'Europe/London\' -v /var/lib/unifi:/unifi jacobalberty/unifi:stable
    ExecStop=-/usr/bin/docker kill unifi
    Written on January 25, 2019